“What do you ask of God’s Church?”
“Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion.”
On Sunday 6 October we were privileged to welcome the English-speaking catechumens and adult confirmation candidates at the Sint-Kwinten’s Church.
During the Rite of Acceptance, Hannah, Yiji, and Alba were officially accepted as catechumens and will begin their faith journey together with candidates for confirmation Emma and Gabriel, meeting twice each month for catechesis in the Sint-Kwintenshuis together with their catechists, Fr Tuli, Sr. Anitha, Fr. Jude, and Patrick.
The godparents, Cecilia, Stella, Immanuel, Geertrui, and Everton, were called to their faith-filled responsibility during this journey.

Everyone in the church was invited to welcome, support, and pray for these brothers and sisters.

In the meantime, three more catechumens have joined the group: Tong, Devansh, and Dongqi. They will be welcomed on Sunday 3 November during the Rite of Acceptance at 9:30, together with their godparents, Charles, Pierre and Fr. Paul.
They, together with the six Dutch-speaking candidates, will engage upon an inspiring journey getting to better know Jesus, his Gospel, and his Church. Following their journey, they will receive the initiation sacraments during the Easter Vigil in Sint-Pieter’s Church in Leuven.