On Sunday 16 April, Divine Mercy Sunday, the Sint-Kwinten’s faith community celebrated “African Thanksgiving”.

During the Sunday celebration, presided over by Fr. Jude Ogbumba, we could join our African brothers and sisters in thanking God for the beauty of Africa in its diversity of nature, peoples and cultures, but also for the many flourishing and hopeful Churches, the abundant vocations and the countless missionaries who have evangelized these countries and peoples.
The choir, dressed in traditional attire, sang exuberantly, accompanied by many musical instruments, clapping of hands and cries of joy.

In his homily, Fr. Jude emphasised the mercy of God in Jesus Christ for all peoples without distinction.

Thanksgiving and supplication go hand in hand, so that the children of Africa may one day live truly free and with dignity.
In the Prayer of the Faithful, then, we prayed: “That the Church in Africa, despite wars, conflicts and persecutions, may continue to proclaim the message of divine mercy.”
During the danced offertory procession, many other gifts besides the bread and wine were brought forward, and placed in front of the altar.

After the celebration, abundant African refreshments were offered during hospitality, and we continued to chat but mostly dance until late in the afternoon.