JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN! ALLELUIA! So sings the entire Church during this season of new life, and so too our faith community at Sint-Kwinten’s prays with unfettered joy in these fifty days of Easter. Our […]
Holy Week has begun, and together as the faith community of Sint-Kwinten we celebrated the Entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem. We accompanied Jesus with our palm branches and Hosannas and went in procession around the […]
‘24 Hours for the Lord’ was organised again this year in the Leuven pastoral zone. This initiative, in response to the call of Pope Francis, took place in the Sint-Kwintenskerk from 29 to 30 March, […]
On Sunday 17 March, Br. Emmanuel and Br. Serafim of the Fraternité de Tiberiade visited the faith community of Sint-Kwinten. Br. Emmanuel presided over the Eucharist and said in his bilingual homily, referring to the […]
Special thanks to all those who cleaned Sint-Kwinten’s church this past Saturday. The cleaning crew, consisting of a mix of ages and nationalities, did an outstanding job.