Appeal for Volunteers

Please consider supporting your Sint-Kwinten’s faith community in one of the following ways. Many thanks in advance for your help! 𝗕𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗶𝘀𝗺𝘀 in Sint-Kwinten: liaising with priest, parents and Pastorale Zone; preparing the church and register; […]

Christmas in Sint-Kwinten

After the four weeks of preparation of Advent, the faith community of Sint-Kwinten, along with billions of Christians worldwide, was privileged to celebrate the wonder-filled Feast of Christmas. It began on the evening of the […]

Rite of Acceptance

“What do you ask of God’s Church?” “Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion.”   On Sunday 6 October we were privileged to welcome the English-speaking catechumens and adult confirmation candidates at the Sint-Kwinten’s Church. During […]

Salsa for Ukraine

Salsa for Ukraine, a charity event held in the Sint-Kwintenshuis on Friday 20 September, was one of those events that moved both body and soul. People of several nations, cultures, and beliefs gathered to support […]

Pope Francis in Leuven

The pope was in Leuven! What an incredible experience for our city. When the Holy Father landed on Belgian soil on Thursday evening 26 September, many of Leuven’s young faithful gathered for the monthly Nightfever […]