On Sunday 1 December our Sint-Kwinten faith community celebrated the First Sunday of Advent with a bilingual Eucharist.
The Advent Wreath, as every year, was placed in front of the altar so that together we can visibly travel the road from Advent to Christmas.
After the blessing of the Advent Wreath, the first candle was lit and one of the children of our community read the following verse:
The first Advent candle is lit. A child is about to enter our existence. We wait patiently, the stable is still closed, the earth does not have a joyful face yet. But look, with one candle, it already becomes light.
During the first reading we could listen to the encouraging words of the prophet Isaiah:
They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord! (Isaiah 2:4-5)

Following the Eucharist we all enjoyed a cup of delicious soup in support of “Samen Tegen Armoede” (Together Against Poverty).

This yearly Advent solidarity activity, “Soep op de Stoep” (Soup on the sidewalk), again can be counted a success, having raised 200 euros.

Heartfelt thanks to all those who prepared the various soups, set up everything and also cleaned up afterwards!