The first Advent candle is lit

The first Advent candle is lit

On Sunday 1 December our Sint-Kwinten faith community celebrated the First Sunday of Advent with a bilingual Eucharist.   The Advent Wreath, as every year, was placed in front of the altar so that together […]

Celebrating the Feast of Sint Kwinten

On Sunday 27 October, our faith community joyfully celebrated the feast of our patron saint, Sint Kwinten (Saint Quentin). During our bilingual Eucharist, just as every year, the statue of Sint Kwinten was in front […]

Jerusalem Pilgrimage

September pilgrimage to the Holy Land

When we, Conrad, Annemie, and Henri—all members of the gemeenschapsploeg/community team of Sint-Kwinten—left Belgium for the Holy Land, none of us knew what an impact our pilgrimage would have on us, individually and collectively. In […]