For the first time in more than three months, members of the Sint-Kwinten faith community returned to their beautiful church yesterday, the Feast of Corpus Christi, to celebrate together the Holy Eucharist.
Lector Anouk Morren welcomed the congregation with the following words:
“Brothers and sisters, it is a great joy to be gathered together here again. Since March 14th, we have not been able to celebrate our union with God and with one another through the signs of the liturgy. We were united through prayer, through signs of human attentiveness and care; we were able to be connected with others through the social media, through our livestreamed Masses. But, just as we had to miss the spontaneous human contacts — no handshakes, no kisses, no pats on the back — so we also experienced an obligatory fast in our participation in the liturgy. But now we are here together again, to celebrate the Easter of Jesus Christ and to allow ourselves to be built up into his Living Body. In the new light of this Easter candle we greet Jesus Christ himself, the Light of the World, who through his resurrection from the dead has overcome evil and darkness. Let us greet this Light of Christ with great joy.”

Community Team member Conrad Nwaka then processed in with the Easter Candle, carrying it to the sanctuary, where Fr. Bosco prayed:
“Lord God, grant that this light may become a source of life for our community, a source of hope for us, who are making a new beginning today, a source of love for all who share in our Easter joy. Help us to remain faithful to what we receive today, through Christ our Lord. Amen.”