Fr Bosco Darsi

Meet Fr Don Bosco Darsi

Fr Don Bosco Darsi (°1980) hails from Andhra Pradesh, in southeast India, and is a priest (since 2006) of the Diocese of Vijaywada. In January 2019 he was granted by the KU Leuven the doctorate in theology (Ph.D./S.T.D.). He is active in youth ministry and promoting various ecclesial lay moments. He assists many young people who are seeking a life of meaningful faith and encounter with Christ. To rejuvenate the young people and the families in the Gospel values is his natural passion. He has special concern for orphans, homeless, refugees and the elderly.

As an assisting priest in the Leuven Pastoral Zone, Fr Bosco is the priest-leader of the Sint-Kwinten community and a member of the Community Team since 2013.