Meet Mark Vaughan-Shaw

Mark Vaughan-Shaw (°1979) was born and raised in Hertfordshire, England and first came to Leuven in 2015 when visiting his now wife, Anouk Morren. They were married in Sint Kwinten’s in 2017 and live with their two children in Bierbeek.

Since moving to Leuven in 2017, Mark has been involved in a number of initiatives of the Sint Kwinten community. He occasionally plays an instrument in Mass with the Music Ministry, leads the community’s Men’s Group and organizes a Saint Martin’s procession for children. Together with his wife, he is responsible for a Teams of Our Lady group of married couples. He is also a member of the Community Team since 2020, of which he is co-coordinator since 2022.

Mark teaches French and English at a secondary school near Leuven.