St. Martin’s lantern walk

On Sunday, November 12, the Leuven pastoral zone celebrated the feast of St. Martin of Tours.

First the children first learned about the life of Saint Martin. They heard how he, as a Roman soldier, cut his tunic in half and gave half to a freezing cold beggar and how that same night Jesus appeared to him in a dream while wearing the tunic. This vision led St. Martin to become a monk before eventually becoming bishop of Tours.

After rehearsing three special songs for St. Martin and gathering our lanterns, we moved out into the chilly evening. Accompanied by our joyful songs, we walked through the Beguinage with the lanterns flickering at dusk.

Our procession ended at the Sint-Kwintenshuis, where hot chocolate and plates full of cookies gave us a chance to warm up and enjoy the sweet treats usually associated with this feast! It was also a great opportunity for children and parents to chat and catch up.

All in all, this was a great opportunity for the children to continue the tradition of celebrating a very inspiring saint.

Thanks to all the parents who came and to all who made this event possible!

Mark Vaughan-Shaw