We are very happy to share our Sint-Kwinten story with you. Everything started in April 2019, after Erwin enjoyed a wonderful Easter Triduum with the Emmanuel Community in the Netherlands. Especially the Easter Vigil made a huge impression, and I, Martina, still remember how, after those three holy days, Erwin’s face was shining like Moses’ after meeting God on the Mount Sinai. For twelve years Erwin had hardly attended Mass at all, but that Easter Triduum was the spark needed for a renewed relationship with the Lord, starting with weekly Sunday Mass visits. Some brothers from the Emmanuel Community encouraged Erwin to choose Sint Kwinten as the place for the Sunday celebration.
Martina’s story goes in a similar way. After bad experiences with her community in Sardegna, Italy, she chose not to attend Mass any longer and not to receive Confirmation. At the time of the memorable Easter Triduum, we had been in a relationship for only three months. Martina was, however, intrigued by the stories about the Emmanuel Community and accepted my invitation to come to Mass with me at Sint Kwinten for a start. The way people in our community experience and live their faith was something entirely new to her and different to the lifeless celebration she knew before.

Three years later, we look back on a multitude of fruits growing out of our decision to get on the road with our Lord. We married at the end of December 2021 in Sint Kwinten, Martina will receive her Confirmation at Pentecost this year, and we are expecting our first child the first of October. Furthermore we are also very thankful for the numerous encounters with our Lord, our brothers and sisters in the community and the numerous blessings we experience in daily life and in our prayer time.
Praise the Lord, He is risen, and we along with him. Alleluia!
Martina Medda and Erwin Muller