Get-together of Confirmation Candidates of Leuven aan de Dijle

On Saturday 28 May, there was a gathering of the candidates who will be Confirmed as adults on Pentecost Sunday, 5 June, in Sint-Kwintens Church.

We started in the crypt of Father Damien with a reflection on the saint offered by Father Ferry, confrere of Father Juan Carlos, both Picpus Fathers. He spoke about the importance of the sacraments, especially Confirmation and the Eucharist, for Father Damien and for each one of us.

Together with the Minister of Confirmation, pater Ger-Jan, and Deacon Marc, we reviewed the Rite of Confirmation and made concrete arrangements.

Quotes from Father Damien:

“My greatest happiness consists in serving the Lord in his poor and sick children, who are rejected by others. I try to lead them all on the way to heaven.”

“Without the Blessed Sacrament, a situation like mine would be intolerable. But because I have Our Lord by my side, I always remain happy and content. It is at the foot of the altar that we find the necessary strength in our solitude.”

After a prayer we walked together to the Mechelsestraat, where we enjoyed each other’s company at “Leo Pancakes,” catching up while eating a bagel or pancake.

We are one step further on our way toward Confirmation.

Maria-Laura, Gabriel, Martina, Jeannette, Fernando and Lea