In this time of coronavirus, with its many restrictions, our yearly pilgrimage from Leuven to Basse-Wavre, scheduled for Saturday 9 May, cannot take place. Our pilgrimage falls under the heading of “non-essential travel”.

“This Madonna, who also was venerated in Basse-Wavre (Lower Wavre), together with the mysterious reliquary, the Casse de Wavre, had known for centuries, as a protection against the plague and other infestations, a great popular procession from the wider Leuven area to Sint-Kwinten’s Church.” (Lambert Juveyns, “De pest en de Sint-Kwintenskerk te Leuven” in Van Peys en Soet Accort: Over lijden, sterven en begraven worden in Leuven, 2002, p. 45.)

“A Peste, Fame et Bello libera nos, Maria Pacis” (Mary of Peace, deliver us from the plague, hunger, and war): the text of this prayer can be seen above the altar.

Our Lady of Basse-Wavre,
pray for us.
Queen of Peace & Concord,
pray for us.
Deliver us from wars & plagues,
Mary of Peace.